SQLiv - Massive SQL Injection Vulnerability Scanner - Termux ID -->

Massive SQL injection vulnerability scanner.

  1. multiple domain scanning with SQL injection dork by Bing, Google, or Yahoo
  2. targetted scanning by providing specific domain (with crawling)
  3. reverse domain scanning
both SQLi scanning and domain info checking are done in multiprocessing
so the script is super fast at scanning many urls

quick tutorial & screenshots are shown at the bottom
project contribution tips at the bottom

  1. git clone https://github.com/Hadesy2k/sqlivulscan.git
  2. sudo python2 setup.py -i
Pre-installed Systems

Quick Tutorial
1. Multiple domain scanning with SQLi dork
  • it simply search multiple websites from given dork and scan the results one by one
python sqliv.py -d <SQLI DORK> -e <SEARCH ENGINE>  
python sqliv.py -d "inurl:index.php?id=" -e google
2. Targetted scanning
  • can provide only domain name or specifc url with query params
  • if only domain name is provided, it will crawl and get urls with query
  • then scan the urls one by one
python sqliv.py -t <URL>  
python sqliv.py -t www.example.com
python sqliv.py -t www.example.com/index.php?id=1
3. Reverse domain and scanning
  • do reverse domain and look for websites that hosted on same server as target url
python sqliv.py -t <URL> -r
View help
python sqliv.py --help

usage: sqliv.py [-h] [-d D] [-e E] [-p P] [-t T] [-r]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d D SQL injection dork
-e E search engine [Google only for now]
-p P number of websites to look for in search engine
-t T scan target website
-r reverse domain



SQLiv - Massive SQL Injection Vulnerability Scanner

Massive SQL injection vulnerability scanner.

  1. multiple domain scanning with SQL injection dork by Bing, Google, or Yahoo
  2. targetted scanning by providing specific domain (with crawling)
  3. reverse domain scanning
both SQLi scanning and domain info checking are done in multiprocessing
so the script is super fast at scanning many urls

quick tutorial & screenshots are shown at the bottom
project contribution tips at the bottom

  1. git clone https://github.com/Hadesy2k/sqlivulscan.git
  2. sudo python2 setup.py -i
Pre-installed Systems

Quick Tutorial
1. Multiple domain scanning with SQLi dork
  • it simply search multiple websites from given dork and scan the results one by one
python sqliv.py -d <SQLI DORK> -e <SEARCH ENGINE>  
python sqliv.py -d "inurl:index.php?id=" -e google
2. Targetted scanning
  • can provide only domain name or specifc url with query params
  • if only domain name is provided, it will crawl and get urls with query
  • then scan the urls one by one
python sqliv.py -t <URL>  
python sqliv.py -t www.example.com
python sqliv.py -t www.example.com/index.php?id=1
3. Reverse domain and scanning
  • do reverse domain and look for websites that hosted on same server as target url
python sqliv.py -t <URL> -r
View help
python sqliv.py --help

usage: sqliv.py [-h] [-d D] [-e E] [-p P] [-t T] [-r]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d D SQL injection dork
-e E search engine [Google only for now]
-p P number of websites to look for in search engine
-t T scan target website
-r reverse domain

